Thursday, October 15, 2015

33. Incombustibility

GAINA is certified incombustible by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, a Cabinet of Japan.

To ordain incombustibles by the government ordinance, there are 3 ranks of building materials to fit in the engineering standards for incombustibility: Incombustibles, Quasi-incombustibles, Fire retarding materials.

GAINA is certified as an incombustible (in Japan), the highest rating possible by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

32. Safety

Water-based GAINA is safe. Interior GAINA received a "Four Star" grade (in Japan.)

Water-based GAINA does not contain hazardous materials such as organic solvents. Interior GAINA received Four Stars for the room air quality safety measurement.

Also, GAINA can be used as exterior paint, it cannot receive Four Star (because it is an interior rating system) but it holds the same level of safety evaluations for aldehydes and Volatile organic Compounds (VOC) as seen in the table below.

Emission rate analysis result of Aldehyde and
Volatile organic Compound (VOC ) from sample
Sample name: Interior GAINA
Measurement Method Emission Rate
Aldehydes Formaldehyde ND
Acetaldehyde ND
Toluene ND
Xylene ND
VOC Paradichlorobenzene ND
Ethylbenzene ND
Styrene ND

Emission rate analysis result of Aldehyde and
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) from sample
Sample name:GAINA
Measurement Method Emission Rate
Aldehydes Formaldehyde <5
Acetaldehyde ND
VOC Toluene ND
Xylene ND

31. Endurance

GAINA can make buildings' last longer.

Regular Paint (left)                 GAINA (right)
GAINA has many ceramic layers that are the strongest against ultraviolet rays, and is 2 to 3 times more durable than regular paint. Also, its insulation/thermal barrier effects restrict the building's usual expansion/contraction.

Endurance against ultraviolet rays by ultraviolet rays' absorption rate
Absorption Rates
Finely divided titanium oxide 87-90%
Carbon black 95-97%
(tires, electric wires etc.)
GAINA 93-95%

Xenon 2000 hours compound cycle test (color: light gray)
Carbonate Dioxide  No splits, peelings, frosts, color changes
Carbonate Dioxide Same as abobe
Adhesion Strength After Carbonate 0.57 After Anticorrosion 0.69
Near Infrared Rays Standard Training (1 week later) 89.50%
Reflectance Xenon compound cycle test 2000 hours later (about 14 years) 87.10%

30. Preventing Condensation

Dew prevention

Preventing condensation by restraining the movement of heat, creates a comfortable living situation.

There are many places - ceilings, walls, windows, in the closet - in our home where condensation occurs. Condensation happens when the heat of the air moves through windows and walls. Heat moves from higher temperatures to lower temperatures. This is why condensation happens in the lower temperature areas such as windows, walls, and closets.
GAINA's coating adjusts to the surrounding temperatures. So when painted with GAINA, the surface area's temperature becomes comparable to the room temperature. As a result, there is less movement of heat because there is less difference in temperature, and the effect of preventing condensation happens.

29. Preventing dust to float and stick

Preventing unpleasant odors and controlling dust particles that stick to walls and ceilings.

Most solid particles (odor molecules, pollutants, dust, pollen, etc.) in the air are positively charged. This makes them stick to surfaces by static electricity.

How GAINA works

Pollutants have difficulty clinging to GAINA coated surfaces. (GAINA has 0.0 electrification characteristic)

GAINA as a purifier:
The negative ionized water attach to floating particles, and won't stay in the air.

For clean air, Negative Ion Balance is necessary.

An interior with GAINA Coating has the proper balance between Positive and Negative Ions.

28. Air Quality Improvement

Odor neutralization (Odor control)

A restaurant improved odor

Applied / inside walls
592 ft2  (55 m2)

Mr. S, owner of a small Japanese restaurant (Fujisawa city Japan) chose GAINA. He said "If the air is clean, food and drinks taste better. I wanted to create a relaxing, hospitable atmosphere" In his new restaurant, GAINA was coated on all the interior walls with a plaster style finish creating a calm refreshing environment. The most surprising to him was "there was no residual smell of alcohol and cigarettes from the previous day" He said "I'm likely to forget the ventilation."

Restaurants must keep clean for safety reasons. Guests won't eat or drink if the restaurant appears unclean. Likewise, providing clean, fresh air has become more popular, since restaurants are prone to odors. The smell remains after closing because it sticks to the walls and ceiling. GAINA has the ability to prevent dirt and odors from sticking. Mr. S couldn't believe how well GAINA worked, it was better than expected.

Almost like being in the forest, realized that air quality improved

T's home Application : inside walls / ceiling
1808 ft(168 m2) / 1883 ft(174.9 m2)
T's family (in Fukushima prefecture Japan) coated GAINA on their new house because their previous home was dusty. When they moved into the new house, immediately they felt the air-quality difference. They said "It feels like we are living in the woods."

M's home : inside walls / ceiling
484 ft2 (45 m2) / 376 ft2 (35 m2)

Mr. M (in Tokyo) was bothered by unpleasant smells of the previous home owner. After he renovated his condominium, he was pleased, saying, "After GAINA was applied, no more bothersome smells and very comfortable."

F dental clinic : walls and ceiling
1808 ft2 (168 m2)
Dr. F, a dental director (in Fuji city Shizuoka prefecture Japan) coated GAINA in his clinic to improve air quality and help patients relax.
Now he gets nice comments from the patients saying, "It's comfortable."
Waiting room

27. Sound Testing

GAINA suppresses sound
Hitting a frying pan with hammer.

Ordinary frying pan
GAINA coated frying pan
Sound meter

Result of hitting hammer sound was:
    Ordinary frying pan - 94.7 dB
    GAINA frying pan - 74.9 dB

    Reduction - 19.8 dB
     20 dB - 1/100 the power
       6 dB - 1/4 the sound

94.7 dB
74.9 dB